Garbage Housing by Martin Pawley explores innovative housing solutions using consumer waste materials. The book emerged from a project initiated in the 1970s, focusing on transforming discarded ite…
"THIS STUDY IS A PRODUCT of collaboration among World Bank staff members and consultants, reflecting a collective effort rather than an individual one. Initiated by the Development Economics Depart…
Dipotret oleh fotografer profesionai di setiap karya, buku Tropical Eco House menghadirkan sebelas rumah rancangan arsitek terkemuka Indonesia yang menerapkan prinsip ekologis dalam desainnya, Prin…
Like the earlier editions, this, the third, presents material concerning problems of housing the family suited to instruction at the undergraduate college lever. The objectives continue to be as fo…
In today's inflationary market an older house is usually a far better buy than a new one. You are likely to hear this opinion echoed by almost anyone familiar with current housing costs: architects…