What if you could create several streams of income and receive the fame of a celebrity in your field -all from the book you dared to write? Written by a book coach, the WYBBN 7 step program has su…
This workbook was designed to provide you with a simple and up front way of organizing your thoughts and planning for a story. This book will teach you the elements of planning for a book, structur…
Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps guides authors in how to write, as well as what to write, to improve their chances of having their articles accepted for publication in inte…
This book presents the study of grammar and the study of the "whole paper" as inseparable. Seven of Pathways' 18 chapters deal with grammar topics; in these chapters, students examine student essay…
In response to the requests of many instructors, this eighth edition of Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings is now a more concise textbook that easily suits the curriculum of a …
Dengan bingkai perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia dan dunia, mulai dari zaman pendudukan Belanda, penjajahan Jepang, masa awal kemerdekaan, masa pembangunan Indonesia, hingga saat ini, Mochtar mencerit…
Sesuai dengan judul buku ini isinya berupaya secara detail langkah-langkah operasional menulis Memorandum (LM) dari awal sampai akhin yaitu sejak kasus sampai penyusunan opini hukumnya. Oleh :tu ls…
Tulisan populer merupakan tulisan yang kreatif yang dapat dikonsumsi oleh seluruh masyarakat umum. Tulisan populer ini adalah hasil kreativitas seorang penulis yang disampaikan dengan menggunakan b…
Reaching Audiences: A Guide to Media Writing is the essential writing handbook for any student who want a brief yet thorough guide to correct, clear writing for the media. This text stresses the im…
M.M. Purbo-Hadiwidjoyo (lahir 1923 di kaki G. Merapi, Jawa Tengah) adalah geologiwan teknik (engineering geologist dan penyunting teknik (technical editor). Di samping pengalaman lapangan yang ia p…