All experienced architects and drafters understand the importance of proper detailing. They also know the difficulty of fully detailing projects within given time and budget constraints. This book …
The book you’re referring to is titled “Environmental Treatment Technologies for Hazardous and Medical Wastes: Remedial Scope and Efficacy” by Subijoy Dutta. This book provides a comprehensiv…
Materi buku ini ditulis tidak hanya berdasarkan racikan-racikan materi ilmiah akademis semata, tetapi juga disusun berdasarkan pengalaman penulis sendiri selama bertahun-tahun ikut menangani kasus …
This book provides a thorough exploration of integrating modern mechanical and electrical systems within historic buildings, balancing the need for functionality with the preservation of historical…
From project inception through implementation, Sustainable Site Design sets forth a comprehensive approach to context-informed sustainable landscape design. This approach emphasizes the need to und…
Pegawai Negeri merupakan unsur Aparatur Negara yang bertugas sebagal abdi masyarakat yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan secara adil dan merata dalam rangka menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa dengan…
The Urban House is a carefully curated presentation of twenty-five new and recent projects that represent the vanguard of architects creating innovative spaces for city living in the twenty-first c…
Isu-isu lingkungan dalam skala lokal sampai skala global tetap menjadi persoalan pelik umat manusia, karena pada realitasnya “bumi kian ringkih, penduduk bumi kian galau". Buku “GEOGRAFI LINGKU…
Hal yang pertama kali diamati orang ketika melihat sebuah bangunan adalah bagian muka (fasade) bangunan tersebut. Fasade adalah bagian depan yang identik dengan face (wajah), bagian muka, depan, ma…
Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography captures the changes in the nature and outcomes of urbanisation processes for people, as well as the development of new ways of thinking about urban…