10 Steps in Writing the Research Paper is a comprehensive guide designed to simplify the process of writing research papers for students. It breaks down the research and writing process into ten cl…
As with the first, the Second Edition of Research Methodology is designed specifically for students with no previous experience or knowledge of research and research methodology. The step-by-step a…
Offers immensely practical advice and technical expertise to aid researchers in making sense of their collected data. Authors Juliet Corbin and the late Anselm Strauss (co-creator of Grounded Theor…
To develop and validate a questionnaire assessing barriers faced by Saudi Arabian female dentists in the progression of their career. We developed a three-part questionnaire based on a literature r…
Buku ini menitikberatkan pada kerangka kerja studi sosial.Selanjutnya mengapa diberi judul "Perspektif", karena bermaksud mengungkapkan bahwa peranan studi sosial memiliki perspektif pada hari-hari…
Dit boek biedt een diepgaande analyse van de grondslagen van organisatieontwikkeling, met als doel organisaties te verbeteren. Het richt zich op de theorieën en praktische benaderingen die nodig z…
Social work practice continues to evolve. Research, now an integral part of practice, is changing along with it. In this edition of Research Methods for Social Workers, we have attempted to retain …
Research Methods for Social Work: Being Producers and Consumers of Research provides a thorough introduction to research methods tailored specifically for social work practice. The book is designed…
Methods in Human Geography offers a comprehensive guide to the range of research methods used in human geography. The book is designed to provide students and researchers with the tools necessary t…
Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience (5th edition) provides a comprehensive exploration of leadership theory and its practical application across various organizational contexts. The boo…