1. Workshop on National Human Settlement Policies 2. Exposition & Workshop Small Scale Building Materials Industries for Rural Development 3. Workshop on an Integrated Approach for Improvement of…
1. Development of Unburnt Soil-Based Building Materials - Nande Maryuani Momon 2. The Study of the Development of Unburnt Soil Based Building Materials from Lateritic Soil in Indonesia - Hiroaki N…
1. Structural Improvement of School Buildings to Resist Earthquake-Tremors - R.B. Tular, Djauhari Sumintaradja 2. Prospects of Lightweight Concrete in Indonesia - Nadhiroh Masruri 3. Consultative…
1. Development Programme of Infrastructure for Wastewater Management in Indonesia - Nurhasanah Sutjahjo 2. The Macro Planning Model for Urban Water Supply Provision - R. Pamekas 3. Methods to Est…
1. Prototype of Low-Cost Housing Project at Cijagra/Turangga Bandung - Zulkarnaen Aksa 2. Flat Using Development in Small Cities Problems and Its Prospect - Sakti Prajitno 3. Kampung Naga - Titi …
1. Case Study: Urban Renewal Project in Industri Dalam - Didiet Arief Akhdiat 2. Development of Firesafety Design Concept in Indonesia - Suprapto 3. An Introduction to the Bandung Urban Developm…
1. Some Aspect on the Management of Human Settlement - Albert Kartahardja 2. World Bank President's Visit to Indonesia 3. Freedom to Build. Dasmarinas Project, in the Philippines - Garcia Armando…
1. Audit Energi Gedung Blok-B.1 Departemen Pekerjaan Umum sebagai Implementasi Inpres No. 10 Tahun 2005 tentang Penghematan Energi - Agus Sarwono dan Wahyu Sujatmiko 2. Kajian Kenyamanan Hunian Ru…
1. Research Institute for Human Settlements in the Republic of Indonesia 2. Urban Planning Problems & Practices in Indonesia - Myra P. Gunawan 3. Introduction to Housing in Yogyakarta - Atyanto D…
1. Portland Pozzolan Cement as a Substitute for Portland Cement - Nadhiroh Masruri 2. Woodwool Cement Board in Indonesia - Dudung Kusmara 3. Low Cost Installation for Clean Water Treatment Using …