An Introduction to Data Processing for Business” is a book authored by Robert J. Thierauf and John F. Niehaus. Published in 1980, this book provides a comprehensive overview of data processing co…
Dalam buku ini Anda akan mengetahui seluk-beluk evaluasi, antara lain kriteria pengukuran, alat-alat, dan contoh penggunaan evaluasi kinerja perusahaan. Pembahasannya tidak terbatas pada evaluasi s…
Whether you're newly promoted or a veteran leader, you've got a team to direct, goals to meet, ideas to pursue, an abundance of enthusiasm-but not enough time. Overloaded with tasks that ""only you…
Demands on your time are growing by the hour, and work keeps piling up. Unclear goals, constant interruptions, and urgent tasks are competing for your attention; you know that you're working less e…
As you interact with your colleagues, direct reports, and others within your organization, are you sharing feedback with them? Communicating in the right way with others about their actions can rei…
You've been asked to manage a project. Or you know you soon will be. No surprise there, since every business involves a lot of projects. If you're a leader-or if you hope to become one-then ""proje…
You have too much to do and too little time. It's frustrating and stressful and has a big impact on your success. Although you can't magically add more hours to the day, you can learn to manage you…
Nurturing a productive, mutually beneficial relationship with your manager starts with you, the direct report. That may seem daunting, but the art of "man- aging up" is one you can learn. This book…
This book presents the proceedings of the first General Assembly of the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), held in Wash- ington DC in 2005. Three years after its establishment in Kyoto, …
Managing Sport Facilities, Third Edition, provides future and current sport facility managers with the knowledge they need in order to make the proper decisions in all areas of facility management.…