These proceedings consist of the set of papers presented at the Fourth Forensic Engineering Congress,' held in Cleveland, Ohio, October 6-9, 2006. The Congress was organized by the ASCE Technical*C…
"Engineering Economy, 7th Edition" presents a crisp, bold new design using color, highlighting and icons to focus on important concepts, terms, equations and decision guidelines. There are new feat…
The commentary discusses some of the considerations of the committee in developing the ACI 350 Code, and its relationship with ACI 318. Emphasis is given to the explanation of provisions that may b…
The Engineering Guide for Predicting 1" and 2 Degree Skin Burns from Thermal Radiation is the second engineering practice document published by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. This guide …
The goal of this widely used book is to present in a highly illustrated format the principles of design for good hearing and freedom from noise in and around buildings. The more than 540 illustrati…
"Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations is a significant new resource to the engineering principles used in the analysis and design of both shallow and deep, load-bearing foundations f…
Structural Condition Assessment, edited by Robert T. Ratay, is a comprehensive resource on evaluating the condition of structures. This book covers various aspects such as strength, serviceability,…
The book Heat and Fire and Their Effects by Lyall Addleson provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of heat and fire on various materials and structures. It discusses the fundamental princip…
The book you’re referring to is titled “Computing in Civil Engineering: Proceedings of the Fourth Congress”, edited by W. Tracy Lenocker. This book contains papers presented at the Fourth Con…