Agregat ringan buatan adalah agregat yang dibuat dengan membekahkan atau memanaskan bahan-bahan seperti tanah liat/ lempung, shale/serpih, abu terbang (fly ash) dan batu obsidian. Agregat buatan da…
Buku ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan penelitian tahun anggaran 2017. Kegiatan ini diprakarsai oleh Balai Litbang Bahan dan Struktur Bangunan, PUSKIM. Semburan Lumpur Sidoarjo (Lusi) merupakan ben…
Performance-Based Plastic Design: Earthquake-Resistant Steel Structures" presents an advanced framework for designing steel structures that can withstand seismic forces while maintaining safety and…
Aerated concrete is a lightweight, cellular material consisting of cement and/or lime and sand or other silicious material. It is made by either a physical or a chemical process during which either…
Looking ahead, the housing and allied industries are changing drastically with shift from conventional building materials like bricks and stones to the newer materials like fibre reinforced plastic…
The greatest revolution in the use of materials brought about since the war in the building and furniture industries and in transport and shipping interiors has been in the substitution, to a large…
In general, limitations in properties of existing materials are major factors limiting our ability to meet such modern needs as more efficient power sources. Scientists have the knowledge to concep…
Most of the developing countries including India have their own peculiar problems related to the building industry owing to geoclimatic and regional variations and user requirements. For example, I…
The first chapter discusses advanced concrete for use in civil engineering, looking at developments such as ultra-high strength and high durability concretes, self- compacting concrete, polymer mod…
This book, Drying and Wetting of Building Materials and Components, provides a collection of recent contributions in the field of drying and wetting in porous building materials. The main benefi…