Interior Lighting for Designers has introduced generations of architects and designers to the principles of lighting. This updated Fifth Edition clearly and concisely describes the same steps in th…
Designers of the built environment have much to learn from nature and Industrial ecology as they focus increasingly on green or sustainable construction. Natural systems are the ideal model not onl…
The book Capacity-Demand Index Relationships for Seismic Design: A Performance-Based Approach discusses the relationship between structural capacity and demand in seismic design using a performance…
As cities compete globally, the Smart City has been touted as the important new strategic driver for regeneration and growth. Smart Cities are employing information and communication technologies i…
The book "Principles of Architectural History: The Four Phases of Architectural Style, 1420-1900" explores the development of European architectural history through four major phases of architectur…
Buku ini memberikan panduan perencanaan dan pemrograman infrastruktur di beberapa kawasan perkotaan yang lebih terpadu dan sinergis antarsektor, antarwilayah, dan antar-pemangku kepentingan. Di dal…
This book explains the development of art and architecture in European regions from ancient to modern times, such as Roman art and Egyptian art.
Whether new or established in the field, every architect, engineer, and professional consultant associated with building design and the construction industry can profit from the advice and insights…
Ruang lingkup pembahasan buku ini adalah mengenai desain pasar tradisional, standar kenyamanan dan hubungan desain pasar dengan perilaku pengguna di ruang publik pasar. Mengingat masalah pasar trad…
Buku ini berisi kumpulan metode dan teknik untuk melakukan perencanaan kota dan perkotaan secara holistik-komprehensif serta inovatif. Materi buku merupakan hasil eksplorasi, adaptasi, dan pengemba…