This series in applied regional, urban and environmental analysis aims to provide regional scientists with a set of adequate tools for empirical regional analysis and for practical regional plannin…
The book Other Office presents an in-depth exploration of concepts and practices in workplace design, with a focus on innovation. It showcases a variety of architectural and interior projects that …
The book Performance Based Building Design Concepts outlines the principles of performance-based building design, aiming to create structures that not only meet building codes but also deliver supe…
Inspirasi Desain Hunian Modern" menyajikan berbagai konsep dan ide kreatif dalam merancang rumah yang sesuai dengan gaya hidup kontemporer. Buku ini menggabungkan elemen estetika dan fungsionalitas…
The book you’re looking for is titled “Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings”, edited by Andreas Athienitis and William O’Brien. This book provides a comprehensive…
New Generation Whole-Life Costing presents an innovative approach to decision-making and risk management for construction and real estate. It applies the options-based approach that has revolutioni…
Building Techniques Volume Two: Services, Finishes and Maintenance" serves as a comprehensive guide for architects, builders, and construction professionals. This volume delves into essential aspec…
Buildings don't just appear. While the aesthetics and theory of architecture have their glamour, architecture would not exist without the hands-on, nuts-and-bolts process of construction. Construct…
Glass is a popular cladding material for modern buildings. The trend for steel-framed, glass-clad buildings instead of those using traditional materials such as brick and concrete has inherent prob…
Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan daerah telah menyelenggarakan kegiatan perekaman kebudayaan-kebudayaan suku bangsa di seluruh tanah air yang meilputi : sistem nilai, sistem budaya, …