A newcomer to the scene, aerobic granulation is on its way to becoming the hot new technology for high-efficiency wastewater treatment. Thus far, intensive research has been conducted with regard t…
The text book has been written to cover the syllabus according to new scheme prepared under auspices Curriculum Development Centre of Technical Teachers Training Institute, Chandigarh for Second Ye…
Dalam buku ini Anda akan mengetahui seluk-beluk evaluasi, antara lain kriteria pengukuran, alat-alat, dan contoh penggunaan evaluasi kinerja perusahaan. Pembahasannya tidak terbatas pada evaluasi s…
The interplay between visual perception and tactile experience forms a foundational aspect of understanding structural concepts in various fields, including architecture, engineering, and art. This…
The book you’re referring to is “Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse” by Metcalf & Eddy, with contributions from George Tchobanoglous and Franklin L. Burton. This comprehen…
Investments, global warming and crossing the road - risk is embedded in our everyday lives but do we really understand what it means, how it is quantified and how decisions are made? Explaining the…
This series is concerned with the cause and effect relationships of man's impact on the urban and natural environment. It emphasizes the human problems, is sues, and implications of these relations…
Kebutuhan jalan diawali dengan diciptakannya roda kira-kira 5000 tahun yang lalu, kemungkinan besar di Samaria kira kira 3000 SM. Di Inggris raya, roda mulai digunakan sejak zaman perunggu. Ketika …
The use of fibrous materials in civil engineering, both as structural reinforcement and in non-structural applications such as geotextiles, is an important and interesting development. Fibrous and …
Buku kecil ini secara terbatas bermaksud membahas salah satu cara budidaya atas tanah tersebut, yakni secara khusus membahas persoalan pembuatan kompos. Seperti diketahui kompos adalah termasuk sal…