The book you’re referring to, “Guidelines for Project Evaluation”, is part of the Project Formulation and Evaluation Series, No. 2, published by the United Nations Industrial Development Orga…
Teknologi Kerja Kayu: Untuk Sekolah-Sekolah dan Perguruan-Perguruan Tinggi” oleh John Stefford dan Guy McMurdo, adalah panduan komprehensif tentang teknologi kayu yang dirancang untuk institusi p…
Catastrophe Modeling: A New Approach to Managing Risk is the first book that systematically analyzes how catastrophe models can be used for assessing and managing risks of extreme events. It focuse…
Written by and for contractors, this publication provides insight into proven construction practices that will produce quality concrete construction. Contents include organizing for quality, concre…
An Introduction to Data Processing for Business” is a book authored by Robert J. Thierauf and John F. Niehaus. Published in 1980, this book provides a comprehensive overview of data processing co…
Buku ""Drainasi Perkotaan"" karya Halim Hasmar membahas secara komprehensif mengenai sistem drainase di lingkungan perkotaan dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pengelolaannya. Penulis menjelaskan pr…
Environmental Science: A Global Concern, Eleventh Edition, is a comprehensive presentation of environmental science which emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and global awar…
Buku Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering Volume 2 karya Gurcharan Singh membahas berbagai aspek teknik sipil yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan pasokan air dan sanitasi. Buku ini mencakup topik se…
The book you’re referring to is “Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering: Including Environmental Engineering” by G. S. Birdie and J. S. Birdie. This comprehensive text covers various aspects o…
Peristiwa bencana gempa yang menimbulkan tsunami di Jepang mengingatkan kita kembali pada bencana tsunami di Aceh pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004, yang merupakan salah satu bencana pesisir terbesar y…