This introduction to the techniques and practices of Operations Management can be used as a central text for undergraduate or graduate management students, or as practical additional reading for th…
Kini semakin besar tuntutan bagi para pemimpin strategik dalam sektor publik modern untuk memberdayakan segenap sumber daya manusia mereka untuk membuat keputusan yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan …
Buku "Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Jilid 1" karya R. Wayne Mondy memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang konsep, teori, dan praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia (SDM) dalam organisasi. Penulis …
The book GMAT: Graduate Management Admission Test (17th Edition) by Eugene D. Jaffe is a comprehensive preparation guide for the GMAT test. This edition includes explanations of new test sections s…
Buku Developing Management Skills (Sixth Edition) karya David A. Whetten dan Kim S. Cameron dirancang sebagai panduan praktis untuk membantu individu meningkatkan kompetensi manajemen pribadi, inte…
In the 7th edition, we said the mighty ship USS Scheduling had come about 180 degrees. Now it is continuing to a full 360-degree circle, perhaps as in the Caine Mutiny cutting her own tow line. In …
The first book to truly apply the theory, processes, practices, and techniques of project management is still the best! Here in a single definitive volume is unmatched top-to-bottom coverage of pro…
Managers and human resource professionals like you, who are diligently trying to match people and jobs, have suffered at the hands of traditional aptitude measures. Not only are the tests culturall…
Dalam era globalisasi dan peningkatan kesadaran sosial, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) telah menjadi komponen penting dalam strategi bisnis perusahaan. Karya ini membahas definisi, tujuan, d…
Studi ini membahas hubungan antara etika bisnis dan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR) dalam konteks praktik bisnis modern. Etika bisnis mencakup prinsip dan nilai yang mengarahkan perilaku per…