Menjadi perusahaan pilihan adalah aspirasi semua praktisi manajemen SDM. dengan menjadi perusahaan pilihan berarti karyawan merasakan kenyamanan untuk bekerja, yang bermuara kepada semangat untuk m…
This volume delves into the mechanical behavior of materials, emphasizing the fundamental principles that govern their response to applied forces. It covers a range of topics, including stress-stra…
his volume focuses on the electronic properties of materials, exploring the relationship between a material's structure and its electrical behavior. It discusses key concepts such as band theory, c…
Buku "Pestisida untuk Pertanian dan Kehutanan" yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian Tanaman Pangan membahas tentang pentingnya pestisida sebagai salah satu sarana produksi dalam pert…
The book Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice (Fourth Edition) by Anthony E. Boardman and others serves as a practical introduction to cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and is structured around a…
The book Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems (Fifth Edition) by Evan M. Berman, James S. Bowman, and Jonathan P. West addresses the complex issues of hum…
Buku "Pengerjaan Kayu Secara Masinal Jilid 2: Bekerja dengan Mesin" karya Ernst Lerch berisi tentang aspek teknis pengerjaan kayu menggunakan berbagai mesin. Buku ini mencakup teknik penggunaan mes…
The book "Rural Research in CSIRO" was a publication produced by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). It was published quarterly, starting from 1952 until 1972,…
Effective planning for profit is crucial for the sustainability and growth of any business. This study explores the strategic frameworks and methodologies that organizations can adopt to enhance th…
Creative Management and Development has been updated with newly commissioned and leading edge chapters on intuitive cognition, complexity, emotion, team innovation, development and well-being. The …