This book presents a beginning to define and engage with cultural issues that researchers, practitioners, clients, user groups, product suppliers and policy makers in the built environment need t…
Buku “Manajemen Pembangunan Kabupaten dan Kota” oleh Dr. Ernady Syaodih, MT. IAP. membahas kompleksitas pengelolaan pembangunan di tingkat kabupaten dan kota di Indonesia. Buku ini membahas ber…
The book Painting on New Woodwork discusses effective techniques and methods for painting and finishing new woodwork, focusing on the selection of materials and proper surface preparation. The auth…
The book Modern Technique in Painting & Decorating provides a practical guide to modern techniques in painting and decorating, with a focus on both commercial and residential applications. The auth…
Aerated concrete is a lightweight, cellular material consisting of cement and/or lime and sand or other silicious material. It is made by either a physical or a chemical process during which either…
Ilmu dan teknologi bahan telah tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi satu bidang tersendiri selama 25 tahun terakhir ini. Pengembangan ini berintikan tema ter- tentu. Yaitu konsep bahwa sifat dan kelakuan …
Looking ahead, the housing and allied industries are changing drastically with shift from conventional building materials like bricks and stones to the newer materials like fibre reinforced plastic…
A fundamental demand in the design of structures is that sufficient safety against failure is obtained. With regard to concrete structures it can be stated that numerous experiments have been carri…
The book you’re looking for, “Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts, Second Edition” by P. John Keane and Anthony F. Caletka, is a comprehensive guide on the subject. It provides an in-dep…
The greatest revolution in the use of materials brought about since the war in the building and furniture industries and in transport and shipping interiors has been in the substitution, to a large…