Rebuilding Rural America: New Designs for Community Life” is a book by Earle Hitch, published in 1950. This book is a significant work that emphasizes the importance of rural community developmen…
Business Site Selection, Location Analysis, and GIS begins with a general introduct-ory chapter followed by introductory chapters on GIS and model building fundamentals. Next, the authors explore h…
Environmental and human health impacts of materials are a hidden cost of our built environment. While we can readily see the impact of destroying a wetland to build a mall, we aren't always aware o…
Membangun sendiri bukan berarti pemilik rumah harus "turun tangan" langsung dalam pekerjaan pembangunan, tetapi hanya sebagai perencana, pemborong, dan pengawas. Cara ini dapat menghemat biaya pemb…
Pertukangan kayu merupakan salah satu keterampilan tradisional yang penting dalam industri konstruksi dan desain interior. Perhitungan yang akurat dalam pertukangan kayu sangat krusial untuk memast…
Buku ini menyajikan sumber informasi tentang pandangan dan pemikiran para ahli tentang pembiyaan perumahan serta kebijakan Pemerintah dari beberapa negara berkembang lain di Asia yang kemudian diba…
This book, authored by top researchers and practitioners, covers the full breadth and depth of the impacts of rapid urbanization on livelihoods, poverty and resources in the peri-urban zones in div…
The book Heat and Fire and Their Effects by Lyall Addleson provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of heat and fire on various materials and structures. It discusses the fundamental princip…
The book Finishing: Materials and Methods provides a comprehensive overview of various materials and methods used in the finishing process, applicable to wood, metal, and other materials. The autho…
The value of geographic information system (GIS) technology for the business and marketing industry has never been greater than it is today. Small and large businesses alike are finding GIS to be a…