Groundwater resources naturally contain high levels of arsenic in many parts of the world. Over the last two decades, the As-containing groundwater in South-East Asia has received much attention, b…
Analisis radioaktivitas lingkungan merupakan bagian dari analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan atau AMDAL. Pencemaran yang diakibatkan oleh benda-benda yang mengandung radioaktiv harus mendapat perha…
Materi pokok yang dibahas dalam buku ini berupa kajian mengenai peran ilmu geologi dalam pengembangan wilayah dan lingkungan serta aspek aspek geologi yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan dan pemanfaata…
Buku ini, memberikan gambaran dan pembahasan serta solusi atas kondisi lingkungan saat ini. Materi yang dibahas penulis antara lain: Menuju Pendidikan Manusia Pembina Lingkungan; Ekologi dan Ilmu P…
This book discusses microbiology from a systematic perspective, covering various types of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The discussion includes structure, function,…
Buku ini membahas masalah-masalah lingkungan tanaman, sistem energi dalam agroekosistem dan pengaruh faktor lingkungan seperti pengaruh suhu terhadap pertum- buhan dan produksi tanaman, pengaruh ca…
This unique textbook introduces undergraduate students to quantitative models and methods in ecology, behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology, and conservation. It explores the core concepts share…
Application of earth sciences to the solution of civil engineering problems, or geotechnics, constitutes the subject of this book. The point of view is that of the engineer, and the earth sciences,…
The book covers the major concepts, the methods of spatially explicit analyses from an ecological perspective, and the factors of landscape dynamics having ecological implications. The authors expl…
This textbook for university students has been condensed from five volumes of Rock-Forming Minerals. It presents the basic data for the scientific understanding of materials, especially in relation…