"Buku Sistem dan Prosedur Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah yang kami susun ini merupakan Surat Edaran dari Direktur Jenderal Bina Administrasi Keuangan Daerah Nomor SE.900/316/BAKD tanggal 5 April 2007.…
Project finance is a fast-growing area of capital investment for major infrastructure and other large projects. Financing such projects as EuroDisney, airports, highways, tunnels, schools, hospital…
Charles T Haskell shares his extensive expertise to guide you through pricing and negotiating a project finance deal with the model using advanced analysis and negotiation techniques, including due…
Construction Economics provides students with the principles and concepts underlying the relationship between economic theory and the construction industry. The new approach adopts an argument that…
Through a direct and practical approach, this text presents the current economic factors that affect the real estate market and cause real estate values to change. Case & Point features throughout …
"Recent decades have seen a major social and economic changes across the developed world and consequent changes in the construction and property industries. The discipline of construction economics…
Using a multidisciplinary approach that draws on their in-depth experience in the fields of energy, environment, and economics, the authors develop a comprehensive analytical framework. They apply …
"Hukum bagaimanapun sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengatur kehidupan bermasyarakat didalam segala aspeknya, apakah itu kehidupan sosial, kehidupan politik, budaya, pendidikan apalagi yang tak kalah penti…
Pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan, khususnya sumber daya perikanan dan kelautan, bersifat kompleks. Kompleksitas tersebut tidak hanya berkaitan dengan sistem alam itu sendiri, tetapi juga…
Dalam rangka menunjang penyebarluasan informasi dan pengetahuan praktis di bidang perpajakan, kami telah menyusun materi pembelajaran dan praktik pembayaran/ pelunasan Pajak Penghasilan dalam tahun…