The Swedish Council for Building Research has been called upon by the Government to produce factual material as a basis for reconsideration of the current guidelines for Sweden's energy policy and …
Data kualitas lingkungan merupakan dasar perencanaan, evaluasi, maupun pengawasan yang sangat berguna bagi para pengambil keputusan, perencana, penyusun program, baik di tingkat pusat maupun di tin…
The book "Indefensible Space: The Architecture of the National Insecurity State," edited by Michael Sorkin, explores how post-9/11 security concerns have reshaped public and private spaces. The ess…
The writers of Safe Firefighting, Steve Kidd, John Czajkowski,and Garry Briese have decades of dirty, hands-on fire and rescue experience. They understood the need for a "new approach" in training …
The book "Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection" by Charles A. Wentz integrates scientific, engineering, and regulatory principles related to health and safety management. It covers critical…
Buku "Pekerjaan Sosial di Dunia Industri: Memperkuat Tanggungjawab Sosial Perusahaan" karya Edi Suharto membahas konsep yang berkembang dalam konteks pelayanan kemanusiaan di dunia kerja, dikenal s…
The book "Spaces of Hate: Geographies of Discrimination and Intolerance in the U.S.A." edited by Colin Flint explores the spatial dimensions of hate and intolerance in the United States. It examine…
Dalam kondisi bangsa kita yang sedang carut-marut, selalu saja kesalahan ditujukan terhadap masalah pendidikan. Pembahasan tersebut menjadi bahan gunjingan setiap orang, seolah-olah pendidikan kita…
This is an elementary introduction to the sources of economic statistics and their uses in answering economic questions. It is intended primarily for students studying elementary economics in their…
Himpunan karangan ini dibagi dalam tiga bagian: Bagian pertama dan kedua memuat tulisan-tulisan tentang pendidikan dalam dua kurun waktu, yaitu sebelum dan sesudah 1970. Pemisahan tersebut dilakuka…