Naskah ini ditulis dengan tujuan mengantar pembaca pada pengertian-pengertian elementer tentang dasar serta metode research sebagai metodologi penelitian ilmiah. Tujuan utama dari usaha ter- sebut …
What are the current trends in housing? Is my planned project commercially viable? What should be my marketing and advertisement strategies? These are just some of the questions real estate agents,…
Designed to help students acquire basic skills in the methods of social science research, this new text uses a student-friendly writing style and excerpts from both scholarly journals and the popul…
Buku yang membahas masalah perpustakaan dan informasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia masih tergolong langka. Ilmu perpustakaan memang termasuk bidang ilmu yang masih remaja di Indonesia, namun tampaknya su…
Advances in Mixed Methods Research: Theories and Applications offers a comprehensive exploration of the latest developments in mixed methods research, integrating both quantitative and qualitative …
When should you use a telephone survey, and how do you transform completed telephone interviews into an analyzable, machine-readable data file? This book shows readers how to develop and administer…
Sering menjadi kendala bagi para pemula peneliti atau bagi peneliti sekalipun dalam menentukan rencana penelitian; tema, judul, dan rumusan masalah; menetapkan waktu, tempat, dan anggaran penelitia…
Buku "Prinsip Dasar Penyusunan dan Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah" karya Avip Syaefullah membahas mengenai panduan dasar penulisan karya ilmiah, dengan fokus pada proses kreatif, pemikiran kritis-kre…
introduces the reader to qualitative approaches--a major development in the field of evaluation during the last decade. This volume presents an introduction to the approach--differentiates it in th…
Building Evaluation Capacity provides 72 activities for learning how to design and conduct evaluation studies. These activities address the entire evaluation process, including: An understanding of…