1. A Country Monograph Housing and Urban Development in Indonesia 2. Looking for a Tradisional House of West Java 3. Traditional Sundanese Badui-Area, Banten, West Java 4. Citation Counting As a…
1. Regional Housing Centre in Bandung Becomes Regional Centre for Research on Human Settlements 2. DBR Experimental Flats For Low Income People - G. Marwati Siddiq 3. Rangsit Housing an Experimen…
1. Building Materials Industry and Its Requirements in Indonesia - S. M. Ritonga 2. Some Aspects of Material Properties and Their Relationship to Design - R.B. Tular 3. On-Site Sanitation in Indo…
1. International Year of the Shelter for the Homeless (IYSH) 2. Housing Policy in Indonesia and Some Subnational/Regional Impact Analysis - Chris J.A. Rozestraten 3. Shelter and the Need for Inte…
1. General Statement of the Ch'man of the Delegation at the U.N. Conference on Human Settlements 2. Some Notes on the Development Prospect in the Field of Housing, Building, Planning and Urban Dev…
1. "HABITAT 76" Another U.N. Talkathon in the Making? 2. Greater Attention Needed in Land-Use Planning to Meet Exploding Demand for Mass Recreation 3. "HABITAT 76" in Stamps 4. The Magnitude of …