-Achieving Sustainable Communities in a Global Economy explores the intersection of sustainable community development and the global economy, offering a detailed analysis of the challenges and oppo…
Lying behind every consumer purchase in a modern economy there is a network of business-to-business (B2B) transactions. The hair stylist who provides the client with a new look uses hair products t…
Buku prosiding yang kami beri judul ""Pemikiran Engineer Muda CPNS 2017 Dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur"" ini, disusun dengan maksud untuk menghimpun ragam perspektif para CPNS Kementerian PUPR for…
Buku ini menguraikan sejumlah permasalahan dalam implementasi politik (kebijakan) pembangunan perumahan rakyat dan menawarkan solusi alternatif yang bersifat konseptual dan praktis atas sejumlah pe…
Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu Kementerian PUPR terus meiaksanakan pembangunan jembatan di berbagai wilayah Indonesia dalam rangka mewujudkan konektivitas jalan nasional. Memperhatikan capaian te…
In the 21st century, urban planners are faced with many new challenges which include climate change, ecosystem degradation, loss of biodiversity, community vulnerability, and social inequalities. T…
This is a book that is well overdue that finally integrates, in such a poetic way, the important contribution to transport microeconomic theory that Sergio Jara-Díaz has made over the last 25 year…
Kelayakan rumah tinggal di daerah perkotaan, tentu berbeda dengan kondisi rumah tinggal di permukiman tradisional. Rumah tradisional umumnya memanfaatkan material alam (kayu, alang-alang. dan bambu…
"The word economy comes from the Greek word for ""one who manages a house- hold."" At first, this origin might seem peculiar. But, in fact, households and economies have much in common. A household…
-"Children first learn about free parking when they play Monopoly. The chance of landing on free parking is low, about the same as the chance of going to jail. Monopoly misleads its players on this…