Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics: Sustainable Design Methods for Architecture is a companion book to Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, because the two books tog…
This is an english version of the building standard law of Japan, which is the building standards applicable all over the country. The law mainly provides for fundamental requirements of the buildi…
Much of the insights related to diagnostics in this edition, such as decision making and critical thinking, are derived from the medical and nursing professions. The primary reason for this is that…
From project inception through implementation, Sustainable Site Design sets forth a comprehensive approach to context-informed sustainable landscape design. This approach emphasizes the need to und…
Buku ajar ini merupakan buku pegangan bagi mahasiswa yang mengikuti mata kuliah AR-4124 Pengantar BIM dalam Arsitektur, yang dibuka di setiap semester ganjil untuk mahasiswa semester 5 atau semeste…
Buku ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan penelitian tahun anggaran 2017. Kegiatan ini diprakarsai oleh Balai Litbang Bahan dan Struktur Bangunan, PUSKIM. Semburan Lumpur Sidoarjo (Lusi) merupakan ben…
Earth is the oldest building material used by humans and is the ultimate expression of appropriate technology. We are just now beginning to define the technology in scientific and engineering terms…
The book is titled “The Design of Polyclinics and Their Effect on Medical Services in Bantu Urban Areas” by Wido Zwart, B.Arch., M.A. It is the result of research that seems to relate to the de…
Home Building Work gives basic information on the main building crafts, including carpentry and joinery. Provided you are reasonably handy with ordinary tools, you should have no difficulty in maki…
"Low-Cost, Energy-Efficient Shelter: For the Owner and Builder" by Eugene Eccli, published by Rodale Press in 1977, is a practical guide for building, renovating, and repairing homes with a focus o…