This volume delves into the mechanical behavior of materials, emphasizing the fundamental principles that govern their response to applied forces. It covers a range of topics, including stress-stra…
his volume focuses on the electronic properties of materials, exploring the relationship between a material's structure and its electrical behavior. It discusses key concepts such as band theory, c…
Exploring the American city as a metropolitan landscape, the book brings together well-known and emerging voices in urban design theory and practice to examine roles designers play as professionals…
The book looks both at the British context as well as experience in other developed economies and takes stock of how the policy has evolved. It examines the rationale for planning gain, how it has …
Buku "Pestisida untuk Pertanian dan Kehutanan" yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian Tanaman Pangan membahas tentang pentingnya pestisida sebagai salah satu sarana produksi dalam pert…
This concise and clear introduction to the topic requires only basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra-all other concepts and ideas are developed in the course of the book. Lucidly written s…
The book On New Types of Solid Models and Their Visualization with Ray Tracing by Jarke J. Van Wijk explores the development of new types of solid models and their visualization techniques using ra…
Mempelajari permukiman kota atas dasar golongannya adalah sangat penting. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar para perencana, mampu memberikan tempat yang semestinya bagi kota-kota yang ada dalam konstelasi p…
Word Processing Primer provides a practical guide to using word processing software. Aimed at users of varying skill levels, this book covers both the fundamentals and advanced techniques for effec…
The book Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice (Fourth Edition) by Anthony E. Boardman and others serves as a practical introduction to cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and is structured around a…