Design competitions are a core mechanism of the architectural world. They offer architects unique opportunities to pitch for work, and the careers of many name architects have been made by winning …
"Revised to incorporate and reflect changes and advances since it was first published the new edition of Architecture in a Climate of Change provides the latest basic principals of sustainability a…
"Buku ""Geografi Budaya Dalam Wilayah Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan"" mengeksplorasi hubungan kompleks antara budaya dan pembangunan regional di Kalimantan Selatan. Buku ini menganalisis ba…
This is the first book to give such close attention to Le Corbusier's approach to the making of buildings. It illustrates the ways in which Le Corbusier's details were expressive of his overall phi…
“African Metropolis: Nairobi’s Self-help City” by Andrew Hake is a comprehensive monograph that explores the growth and transformation of self-help initiatives in Nairobi. Published in 1977, …
The book is an authorized account of the findings from the Committee on the Regional Plan of New York and Its Environs, summarizing the key points from the ten volumes published by the Committee. I…
“Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies” by Reyner Banham is a seminal work that explores the unique architectural and urban landscape of Los Angeles. Banham categorizes the city into …
Perkembangan teknologi memunculkan berbagai ancaman. ancaman itu, yang berwujud hal-hal buruk semisal penyuapan, kecurangan, perusakan lingkungan, pengabaian desain yang tidak aman, kebohongan spes…
Perjalanan dinasti Qing dari kaisar pertama hingga terakhir kaisar terakhir selama lebih dari dua abad mengajarkan kepada kita, bahwa kemakmuran sebuah negeri benar-benar tergantung pada penguasa d…
Buku "Data Arsitek Jilid 2" menyajikan kumpulan informasi dan referensi penting yang relevan bagi para arsitek, perencana, dan mahasiswa arsitektur. Dalam jilid ini, dibahas berbagai aspek teknis d…