SHAPING TOMORROW'S LANDSCAPE is the result of a congress held in Palestine by the International Federation of Landscape Architects. This was the eighth of a series of biennial congresses whose purp…
The Cathedral Builders" delves into the fascinating history and artistry of the architects, craftsmen, and laborers who constructed the great cathedrals of Europe during the Middle Ages. This work …
Buku ini merupakan kelanjutan dari pembahasan tentang penyusunan program arsitektur, dengan fokus pada teknik dan metode untuk mengidentifikasi serta menganalisis masalah dalam proyek desain. Dalam…
The landscape of the island of Java in the Indonesian archipelago is dominated by volcanoes and rice fields. However, the densely populated island also contains a profusion of houses and buildings …
"Earth Sheltered Housing Design: Guidelines, Examples, and References" was published by the Underground Space Center at the University of Minnesota in 1979. The book offers homeowners and architect…
Buku ini mengeksplorasi konsep interior dan dekorasi teras rumah sebagai ruang transisi yang penting antara interior dan eksterior. Teras tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai area relaksasi, tetapi juga s…
Sejak munculnya penyusunan program arkitektur yang terorganisasikan kira-kira dua puluh tahun yang lalu, penyusunan program telah dicirikan oleh suatu perkembangan di antara penyusunan program deng…
Collins explains what Revivalism, Rationalism, Eclecticism, and Functionalism meant to those who practised them, examining the impact that social forces and the other arts and sciences had on archi…
The Chawama Self-Help Housing Project in Kafue, Zambia, was a collaborative effort between the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Kafue Township Council, and the Republic of Zambia. The pro…
Buku ini membahas mengenai seni arsitektur. Serentetan gaya-gaya historis muncul untuk menggugah para pembaca agar mencari kesamaan-kesamaan di antara contoh-contoh historis yang justru akan memban…