The "Architectural Association Annual Review 1981" was edited by Sharp and published by the Architectural Association School of Architecture. This review typically includes a collection of essays, …
"Sunset Landscaping for Western Living" is a book published by Lane Books in 1968. It's a guide to creating beautiful and functional landscapes tailored to the Western United States, featuring a va…
As the city corporation and the Bangalore Development Authority (B.D.A) could not undertake the task of slum improvement effectively, statutory body, the Karunataka Slum Clearence Board (K.S.C.B) w…
Alvaro Ortega was a notable architect and professor who founded the Minimum Cost Housing Group at McGill University in the early 1970s. The group focused on researching and developing solutions for…
n this book, Bernard Rudofsky steps outside the narrowly defined discipline that has governed our sense of architectural history and discusses the art of building as a universal phenomenon. He intr…
Banyak buku pedoman menggambar dan presentasi gambar arsitektur yang bisa didapatkan, tetapi masih dirasakan adanya beberapa titik kekurangan. Satu di antaranya adalah bagaimana cara memberikan ata…
" Sudah saatnya para arsitek yang terbiasa dengan karya-karya masterpiece, yang hanya bertumpu pada tujuan estetika, beralih kepada arsitektur hijau. Arsitektur hijau identik dengan arsitektur ber…
Buku Seni Dalam Masyarakat Indonesia karya Edi Sedyawati dan Sapardi Djoko Damono ini merangkum sekian banyak bidang sekaligus hingga lazim disebut sebagai karya bunga rampai.nn Bidang yang tercaku…
Memiliki tempat tinggal yang layak huni merupakan hak asasi setiap manusia. Lingkungan hunian yang banyak ditemui di kota umumnya berupa perkampungan dan perumahan. Masing-masing memiliki ciri dan …
Critical Architecture examines the relationship between critical practice in architecture and architectural criticism. Placing architecture in an interdisciplinary context, the book explores archit…